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SFCM Newsletters, 1924-1931
The Conservatory's first newsletter was published in May of 1924, and was called The Lyre. This collection contains fourteen issues of The Lyre,…
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SFCM Program: Sing-it-Yourself Messiah, 1983
Sing-it-Yourself Messiah was a holiday tradition organized by the San Francisco Conservatory of Music that lasted from 1979 to 2005. To view programs…
SFCM Program: Sing-it-Yourself Messiah, 1982
Sing-it-Yourself Messiah was a holiday tradition organized by the San Francisco Conservatory of Music that lasted from 1979 to 2005. To view programs…
SFCM Program: Sing-it-Yourself Messiah, 1981
Sing-it-Yourself Messiah was a holiday tradition organized by the San Francisco Conservatory of Music that lasted from 1979 to 2005. To view programs…